This is my extinction rebellion banner. Straight away I made the mistake of making the words Rebel extinction and then later realised that the word is Extinction rebellion. I corrected this in the third week but when creating this I extended the word Rebel to Rebellion so I only have to cut the banner in half horizontally and swap them around so it says Extinction Rebellion.

I used masking tape to create the lettering by taring it down the middle to create a natural tared look and then created each letter of the word ‘EXTINCTION REBELLION’.

Using the items we found in our FIRST PARK VISIT I created the background for my banner

I used acrylic paint from home and painted the items in different colours using a regular paint brush. I mixed the colours with all of them, so the top would be yellow, one side blue and the other red for example. I then placed the painted side onto the banner and placed a piece of paper on top of that and rubbed it. I used the paper so i wouldn’t get paint on my hands which didn’t work, at all. I then repeated this a few times in different places and directions on the banner and then painted them different colours.

I did this with each item. I also had a feather which I painted and then used the end of it to paint words that are on the EXTINCTION REBELLION WEBSITE.

I painted words like; Non violent, Disobedience, Communication and petition as shown below.


I think this went really well, it looks messy which is what I was going for, becuase nature is messy. It looks very colourful as well which nature is.

It may be more of a mess than I wanted it to be but purely because I had to put enough on for the words to be visible. I wanted to use negative space to create my writing instead of just painting it on.

Overall I think it looks amazing, this will be a part of the exhibition that we are creating and will either be hung on a washing line or stappled onto something.


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