Notan is a Japanese style which means ‘light dark harmony’. It includes different arrangements of light and dark elements.

The most obvious example of this is the YIN and YANG symbol.

Image result for yin and yang

This expresses the idea that we cannot have negative space without positive space – we cannot have dark without light.

Image result for Old Plum by Kano Sansetsu

This style has been in Japanese art for centuries. Painters like KANO SANSETSU uses this technique within his work.

It sticks to the idea that the dark and light should balance each other. This links to ‘Expansion of the Square’ artwork:

It expands the square by flipping its use of negative space.

One of the more popular ways it has been used is in colour for the Lion King Show.

The image is split in half and the colours used on the one side flips on the other side. It makes the whole image look more interesting and puts a nice spin onto it.


I like this idea, I have never thought about creating something like this but the way it works especially with the expanding square designs look exciting to create. I think that the idea can be expanded and be made more creative to make something more unique.

This is my NOTAN ART

This is also a style I used within MY SECOND POSTERS

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